Monday, September 16, 2013

Blogging and School

I just transfered to Northeastern University and I think I'm adpating quite nicely. I used to go to DePaul I really want to go back, but we'll see how that goes. I've always wanted to be in the FBI since I was little so I'm very interested in criminal justice classes, but I'm also very good with computers. To be honest I never really understood the purpose of a blogg, but from some readings I've realized that they can actually be useful to certain groups of people who have shared interest and want to talk to other people about it. Its pretty cool actually. I think its a neat idea to have for a classroom students get to know the people in their class. We can have classroom disscussions online and its really useful because some students might be too shy to voice their opinons in a classroom setting but online is a whole different feeling and people are willing to be alot more vocal on different topics.