Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Media

I remember a few years back when I had to actually log onto a computer to go on social media websites. Now everything has gone mobile and I can access everything I want on my smart phone so I use it more often. The only social media website I'm really on is Facebook. I also use Instagram but I really only follow famous people on Instagram, Facebook is for real people I know. I'm not a fan of Twitter at all I feel like it limits your thoughts too much and I don't really like the layout of things. I'm also against hash tags. I like Facebook because its become a lot more user friendly. I was totally against the whole "timeline" layout when it first came out but now I don't mind it anymore its pretty useful actually. 

A virtual world is an online environment where people can meet and have discussions using avatars in place as themselves. Nowadays a lot of companies are starting to use them because it makes things a lot easier for them. In the article by Mark Tutton "Going to the virtual office in Second Life" he explains how IBM has began using this a virtual world for meetings and how beneficial it was for the company. The IBM rep said that  "he recently held a meeting with 12 technical leaders from across Europe and Asia. While that would typically involve flying everyone to a central location, he said the meeting was held using the new Sametime 3D. 'Not only did we save travel time, but because the environment was so engaging, a lot more ideas came through'. Using these virtual worlds companies save a lot of time and money and are able to communicate with coworkers throughout the world. 

Companies aren't the only ones using these virtual worlds, the article by Nicole Saidi "iReport: 'Naughty Auties' battle autism with virtual interaction", discussed how people with autism find this technology quiet useful. Autism in some cases can cause difficulties in their social interactions and communication skills with other people in society. But in the virtual world with lifelike avatars they're more comfortable to be themselves because they're still in their own space. "One benefit is that visitors can practice social interaction and find information about the condition. The graphical representations of real people create a "comfort 
zone" that can coax users out of their shells and get them communicating with others".

If I was in a virtual world I would like to be as much like myself as possible. Unless I can be like some multi millionaire who owned the whole virtual world and I had this big virtual mansion! That might be cool.


  1. It's crazy to think how we used to have to wait for dial-up internet connection to access social media and communicate when others when now we can just do it from our smartphones!

  2. "Remember a few years back when I had to actually log onto a computer to go on social media websites" I remember MySpace it was cool. It was the first time i used social media. it has its pros and cons. I don’t recommend on going on blind dates.
