Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web

To be honest the future of the world wide web scares me a little. I think its crazy the technology people come up with. To a certain extent its pretty fascinating and amazing but I feel like there are some things that are a little invasive on a persons privacy. Google is talking about trying to make some cyber super best friend that knows us better than we know ourselves. The article "Google's New Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, is Building your 'Cybernetic Friend'" says that pretty soon Google "will understand why users are searching for information and provide them with answers they didn’t even know they needed". It sounds like a pretty cool concept but why do I want Google to tell me answers to things I haven't even began to think about, its kind of creepy. Its kind of like when I go on amazon and it shows me things I might like relating to things I've recently searched and other websites I've been too. Where's the privacy in that? I don't think websites should have access to information you looked at on websites that aren't their own, but the future seems to be going in that direction everything is trying to be linked together to make everything "easier" for you. 

'The Cloud' is where you can store your information, data, programs, things like that and you can access it through cyber space anywhere and anytime because its not saved on an actual device. I used
 to think the cloud was something Apple just had but after reading the article, "Clod Computing: As Software Migrates from local PCs to distant Internet Servers, users and developers alike go along for the ride", I understand its a concept that has been around for awhile and has now found its way in normal family homes with personal computer users rather than just corporate companies, etc. The article states that were seeing a second coming of cloud computing and "the change will affect all levels of the computational ecosystem from casual user to software developer, IT manager, even hardware manufacturer". 


  1. Nice write up, it is indeed amazing how so much new stuff is just popping up. Cloud computing isnt so new but now its gaining ground!

  2. It scares me to...I'm not sure I want some of these things to happen lol. I don't want google knowing me better than some of my best friends do....I'm with ya on that one
