Monday, October 28, 2013

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

When I think about robots I always picture the robots in movies that go crazy and want to take over the world. There's always been a huge debate about whether humans or robots are better. Personally I dont think robots can do what humans can. I know alot of growing technology is pushing to make everything more life like and realistic like video games and things like that. It looks like robotics is heading that way too. The big thing that humans have over robots is said to be emotions. Robots dont have feelings, but in the article "The Huggable: A Therapeutic Robotic Companion for Relational, Affective Touch" it looks like they're trying to change that. The huggable isnt neccessarily trying to take place of a human but more so of an animal champion and I think it sounds like an amazing idea. "Lessons learned from the study of the neuroscience and the biology about how the human and animal somatosensory system influenced the design of this “skin.” Thus the “sensitive skin” of the Huggable features the four modalities of human and animal somatic perception – touch, pain, temperature, and kinesthetic information." So instead of a a cold steel heartless robot these little guys are programed to react to your touch, how you hold them, etc. 

I think robotic cars are awesome.When I think of a robotic car it makes me feel like flying cars are not to far away. Personally I feel like a robotic car can do more good than bad. For several reasons like people with disabilities, or the elderly or in cases where you're imapaired like the article "Driverless Cars Get California License" by Rachelle Dragani described. The main reason for these cars is the safety factor, they said a machine can react faster than a human can. "When there is an emergency situation where a driver needs to brake, the reaction speed of the driverless car can be as small as 40 milliseconds, while human beings will take at least 500 milliseconds". Thats a huge difference. 

I dont want to say that humans would make more errors than a robot because I feel like humans are the ones who put a robot together so clearly we're doing something right. Maybe technically speaking a humans might make more mistakes but its just cause that one saying I'm only human of course I'm gonna make mistakes. 

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