Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is cyberbullying??

Cyberbullying, as defined by Google, is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Nowadays there's so many different social media apps and outlets people are using that its easier than ever to be attacked. Its even happening to celebrities. There's been a bunch of recent cases in the past few years of cyberbullying leading to suicide. Cyberbullying can consists of posting rude/vulgar comments on someones page, continuous degrading text messages, and also pictures are being used. The article "Audrie Pott, Rehtaeh Parsons suicides show sexual CYBER-BULLING is 'pervasive' and 'getting worse,'" by Julia Dahl, talks about how laws aren't up to date with the new technology and the threats they can lead to. They have a hard time prosecuting because usually they're dealing with minors and the parents of the kids being bullied aren't happy at all.Some states have begun adopting new laws but not fast enough.  "Law enforcement is behind the times on this,...as it becomes easier to post or text or comment on a photo, sexual cyber-bulling and cyber-stalking is becoming 'more pervasive, more common, and more acceptable.' law enforcement generally lacks understanding and training about the realities of how the old problem of so-called 'slut-shaming' and blaming rape victims for things like how they dress or what they drank has evolved in the digital age 'It's not getting better, it's getting worse'".

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